Stolen Legacy - The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy By: George G.M. James

Stolen Legacy - The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy By: George G.M. James

“These people from North Africa did more than merely distinguish themselves in Spain. They were really the recognized custodians of African Culture, to whom the world looks for enlightenment.”

“The term Greek philosophy, to begin with, is a misnomer, for there is no such philosophy in existence. The ancient Egyptians had developed a very complex religious system, called the Mysteries, which was also the first system of salvation.   As such, it regarded the human body as a prison house of the soul, which could be liberated from its bodily impediments, through the disciplines of the Arts and Sciences, and advanced from the level of a mortal to that of a God.”

“This unfortunate position of the African Continent and its peoples appears to be the result of misrepresentation upon which the structure of race prejudice has been built, i.e. the historical world opinion that the African Continent is backward, that its people are backward, and that their civilization is also backward.”

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